AB130-engrossed,160,64 340.01 (9r) (d) A finding by a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under ch.
5chs. 48 and 938 of a violation of chs. 341 to 349 and 351 or a local ordinance enacted
6under ch. 349.
AB130-engrossed, s. 532 7Section 532. 343.06 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,160,208 343.06 (1) (i) To any person who has been convicted of any offense specified
9under ss. 940.225, 948.02, 948.025 and 948.07 or adjudged delinquent under ch. 48
10938 for a like or similar offense, when the sentencing court makes a finding that
11issuance of a license will be inimical to the public safety and welfare. The prohibition
12against issuance of a license to the offenders shall apply immediately upon receipt
13of a record of the conviction and the court finding by the secretary, for a period of one
14year or until discharge from any jail or prison sentence or any period of probation or
15parole with respect to the offenses specified, whichever date is the later. Receipt by
16the offender of a certificate of discharge from the department of corrections or other
17responsible supervising agency, after one year has elapsed since the prohibition
18began, entitles the holder to apply for an operator's license. The applicant may be
19required to present the certificate of discharge to the secretary if the latter deems it
AB130-engrossed, s. 533 21Section 533. 343.30 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,161,522 343.30 (5) No court may suspend or revoke an operating privilege except as
23authorized by this chapter or ch. 48, 345 or, 351 or 938 or s. 161.50. When a court
24revokes, suspends or restricts a child's operating privilege under ch. 48 938, the
25department of transportation shall not disclose information concerning or relating

1to the revocation, suspension or restriction to any person other than a court, district
2attorney, county corporation counsel, city, village or town attorney, law enforcement
3agency, or the minor whose operating privilege is revoked, suspended or restricted,
4or his or her parent or guardian. Persons entitled to receive this information shall
5not disclose the information to other persons or agencies.
AB130-engrossed, s. 534 6Section 534. 343.30 (6) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,161,97 343.30 (6) (b) (intro.) If a court imposes suspension or revocation of a person's
8operating privilege under s. 48.344 (2), (2b) or (2d) or 125.07 (4) (c) or 938.344 (2), (2b)
9or (2d)
, the suspension or revocation imposed shall be one of the following:
AB130-engrossed, s. 535 10Section 535. 752.31 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,161,1111 752.31 (2) (e) Cases under ch. chs. 48 and 938.
AB130-engrossed, s. 535r 12Section 535r. 757.69 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,161,1613 757.69 (1) (intro.) On authority delegated by a judge, which may be by a
14standard order, and with the approval of the chief judge of the judicial administrative
15district, a court commissioner appointed under s. 48.065, 757.68, 757.72 or, 767.13
16or 938.065 may:
AB130-engrossed, s. 536 17Section 536. 757.69 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,162,818 757.69 (1) (g) When assigned to the court assigned jurisdiction under ch. chs.
1948 and 938, a court commissioner may, under ch. 48 or 938, issue summonses and
20warrants, order the release or detention of children apprehended, conduct detention
21and shelter care hearings, conduct preliminary appearances, conduct uncontested
22proceedings under ss. 48.12 and 48.13, 938.12, 938.13 and 938.18, enter into consent
23decrees and exercise the powers and perform the duties specified in par. (j) or (m),
24whichever is applicable, in proceedings under s. 813.122 or 813.125 in which the
25respondent is a child. Waiver Contested waiver hearings under s. 48.18 938.18 and

1dispositional hearings under ss. 48.33 to 48.35 48.335 and 938.335 shall be
2conducted by a judge. When acting in an official capacity and assigned to the
3children's court center, a court commissioner shall sit at the children's court center
4or such other facility designated by the chief judge. Any decision by the
5commissioner shall be reviewed by the judge of the branch of court to which the case
6has been assigned, upon motion of any party. Any determination, order or ruling by
7the commissioner may be certified to the branch of court to which such case has been
8assigned upon a motion of any party for a hearing de novo.
AB130-engrossed, s. 536d 9Section 536d. 757.69 (1) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,162,1210 757.69 (1) (k) Exercise the power of a juvenile court commissioner appointed
11under s. 48.065 or 938.065, a probate court commissioner appointed under s. 757.72
12or a family court commissioner appointed under s. 767.13.
AB130-engrossed, s. 536g 13Section 536g. 757.69 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,162,1514 757.69 (2) (intro.) A judge may refer to a court commissioner appointed under
15s. 48.065, 757.68, 757.72 or, 767.13 or 938.065 cases in which:
AB130-engrossed, s. 536m 16Section 536m. 757.69 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,162,1817 757.69 (3) (intro.) Court commissioners appointed under s. 48.065, 757.68,
18757.72 or, 767.13 or 938.065 may under their own authority:
AB130-engrossed, s. 536p 19Section 536p. 757.81 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,162,2220 757.81 (2) "Court commissioner" means a court commissioner under s. 757.68,
21a family court commissioner under s. 767.13, a juvenile court commissioner under
22s. 48.065 or 938.065 and a probate court commissioner under s. 757.72.
AB130-engrossed, s. 537 23Section 537. 758.19 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,163,924 758.19 (6) The director of state courts shall reimburse each county for the costs
25of guardian ad litem compensation incurred after May 10, 1994, under ss. 48.235 (8),

148.996, 55.06 (6) and (9) (b), 767.045 (6), 880.33 (2) (a) 2., 880.331 (8) and, 891.39 (1)
2(b), 938.235 (8) and 938.996 from the appropriation under s. 20.625 (1) (e). No
3reimbursement under this subsection may exceed the per hour rate established for
4time spent in court by private attorneys under s. 977.08 (4m). The costs
5reimbursable under this subsection shall be paid pursuant to a voucher submitted
6by the clerk of circuit court to the director of state courts. The voucher shall include
7the number of hours charged by the guardians ad litem. If the moneys available
8under s. 20.625 (1) (e) are insufficient to reimburse all eligible claims submitted by
9counties for payment under this subsection, the moneys shall be prorated.
AB130-engrossed, s. 538 10Section 538. 767.02 (1) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,163,1311 767.02 (1) (m) To enforce or revise an order for support entered under s. 48.355
12(2) (b) 4., 48.357 (5m) or, 48.363 (2) , 938.183 (2), 938.355 (2) (b) 4., 938.357 (5m) or
13938.363 (2)
AB130-engrossed, s. 539 14Section 539. 767.24 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,163,1715 767.24 (3) (e) The charges for care furnished to a child whose custody is
16transferred under this subsection shall be pursuant to the procedure under s. 48.36
17(1) or 938.36 (1) except as provided in s. 767.29 (3).
AB130-engrossed, s. 540 18Section 540. 767.29 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,164,219 767.29 (3) If maintenance payments or support money, or both, is ordered to
20be paid for the benefit of any person, who is committed by court order to an institution
21or is in confinement, or whose legal custody is vested by court order under ch. 48 or
in an agency, department or relative, the court or family court commissioner may
23order such maintenance payments or support money to be paid to the relative or
24agency, institution, welfare department or other entity having the legal or actual

1custody of said person, and to be used for the latter's care and maintenance, without
2the appointment of a guardian under ch. 880.
AB130-engrossed, s. 541 3Section 541. 767.30 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,164,114 767.30 (1) If the court orders any payment for support under s. 48.355 (2) (b)
54., 48.357 (5m) or, 48.363 (2), 938.183 (2), 938.355 (2) (b) 4., 938.357 (5m) or 938.363
support or maintenance under s. 767.08, child support, family support or
7maintenance under s. 767.23, child support under s. 767.25, maintenance under s.
8767.26, family support under s. 767.261, attorney fees under s. 767.262, paternity
9obligations under s. 767.51, support arrearages under s. 767.293 or child or spousal
10support under s. 948.22 (7), the court may provide that any payment be paid in the
11amounts and at the times as that it considers expedient.
AB130-engrossed, s. 542 12Section 542. 767.305 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,164,22 13767.305 Enforcement; contempt proceedings. In all cases where a party
14has incurred a financial obligation under s. 48.355 (2) (b) 4., 48.357 (5m), 48.363 (2),
15767.23, 767.25, 767.255, 767.26, 767.261, 767.262 or, 767.293, 938.183 (2), 938.355
16(2) (b) 4., 938.357 (5m) or 938.363 (2)
and has failed within a reasonable time or as
17ordered by the court to satisfy such obligation, and where the wage assignment
18proceeding under s. 767.265 and the account transfer under s. 767.267 are
19inapplicable, impractical or unfeasible, the court may on its own initiative, and shall
20on the application of the receiving party, issue an order requiring the payer to show
21cause at some reasonable time therein specified why he or she should not be punished
22for such misconduct as provided in ch. 785.
AB130-engrossed, s. 543 23Section 543. 767.32 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,165,2424 767.32 (1) (a) After a judgment or order providing for child support under this
25chapter or s. 48.355 (2) (b) 4., 48.357 (5m), 48.363 (2), 938.183 (2), 938.355 (2) (b) 4.,

1938.357 (5m), 938.363 (2)
or 948.22 (7), maintenance payments under s. 767.26 or
2family support payments under this chapter, or for the appointment of trustees
3under s. 767.31, the court may, from time to time, on the petition, motion or order to
4show cause of either of the parties, or upon the petition, motion or order to show cause
5of the department of health and social services, a county department under s. 46.215,
646.22 or 46.23 or a child support program designee under s. 59.07 (97) if an
7assignment has been made under s. 49.19 (4) (h) or 49.45 (19) or if either party or
8their minor children receive aid under ch. 49, and upon notice to the family court
9commissioner, revise and alter such judgment or order respecting the amount of such
10maintenance or child support and the payment thereof, and also respecting the
11appropriation and payment of the principal and income of the property so held in
12trust, and may make any judgment or order respecting any of the matters that such
13court might have made in the original action, except that a judgment or order that
14waives maintenance payments for either party shall not thereafter be revised or
15altered in that respect nor shall the provisions of a judgment or order with respect
16to final division of property be subject to revision or modification. A revision, under
17this section, of a judgment or order with respect to an amount of child or family
18support may be made only upon a finding of a substantial change in circumstances.
19In any action under this section to revise a judgment or order with respect to
20maintenance payments, a substantial change in the cost of living by either party or
21as measured by the federal bureau of labor statistics may be sufficient to justify a
22revision of judgment or order with respect to the amount of maintenance, except that
23a change in an obligor's cost of living is not in itself sufficient if payments are
24expressed as a percentage of income.
AB130-engrossed, s. 544 25Section 544. 767.32 (2r) of the statutes is amended to read:
1767.32 (2r) If the court revises a judgment or order providing for child support
2that was entered under s. 448.355 (2) (b) 4., 48.357 (5m) or, 48.363 (2), 938.183 (2),
3938.355 (2) (b) 4., 938.357 (5m) or 938.363 (2),
the court shall determine child support
4in the manner provided in s. 46.10 (14).
AB130-engrossed, s. 545 5Section 545. 767.47 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,166,86 767.47 (10) A record of the testimony of the child's mother relating to the child's
7paternity, made as provided under s. 48.299 (6) or 938.299 (6), is admissible in
8evidence on the issue of paternity.
AB130-engrossed, s. 546 9Section 546. 778.25 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,166,1310 778.25 (1) (a) 1. Under s. 125.07 (4) (a) or (b), 125.085 (3) (b), 125.09 (2), 161.573
11(2), 161.574 (2) or 161.575 (2) or under a local ordinance strictly conforming to one
12of those statutes brought against an adult in circuit court or against a minor in the
13court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under ch. chs. 48 and 938.
AB130-engrossed, s. 547 14Section 547. 778.25 (1) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,166,1615 778.25 (1) (a) 4. Under s. 48.983 brought against a minor in the court assigned
16to exercise jurisdiction under ch. chs. 48 and 938.
AB130-engrossed, s. 548 17Section 548. 778.25 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,166,2018 778.25 (1) (a) 5. Under administrative rules promulgated by the board of
19regents under s. 36.11 (1) (c) brought against an adult in circuit court or against a
20minor in the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under ch. chs. 48 and 938.
AB130-engrossed, s. 549 21Section 549. 778.25 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,166,2522 778.25 (8) (a) If the defendant has not made a deposit, the court may issue a
23summons or an arrest warrant, except if the defendant is a minor the court shall
24proceed under s. 48.28 938.28. Chapter 48 938 governs taking and holding a minor
25in custody.
AB130-engrossed, s. 550
1Section 550. 778.25 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,167,172 778.25 (8) (b) If the defendant has made a deposit, the citation may serve as
3the initial pleading and the defendant shall be considered to have tendered a plea
4of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, penalty assessment and jail assessment
5plus costs, including any applicable fees prescribed in ch. 814, not exceeding the
6amount of the deposit. The court may either accept the plea of no contest and enter
7judgment accordingly, or reject the plea and issue a summons or arrest warrant,
8except if the defendant is a minor the court shall proceed under s. 48.28 938.28.
9Chapter 48 938 governs taking and holding a minor in custody. If the court accepts
10the plea of no contest, the defendant may move within 90 days after the date set for
11appearance to withdraw the plea of no contest, open the judgment and enter a plea
12of not guilty if the defendant shows to the satisfaction of the court that failure to
13appear was due to mistake, inadvertence, surprise or excusable neglect. If a party
14is relieved from the plea of no contest, the court or judge may order a written
15complaint or petition to be filed. If on reopening the defendant is found not guilty,
16the court shall delete the record of conviction and shall order the defendant's deposit
AB130-engrossed, s. 551 18Section 551. 778.25 (8) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,168,619 778.25 (8) (c) If the defendant has made a deposit and stipulation of no contest,
20the citation serves as the initial pleading and the defendant shall be considered to
21have tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, penalty assessment
22and jail assessment plus costs, including any applicable fees prescribed in ch. 814,
23not exceeding the amount of the deposit. The court may either accept the plea of no
24contest and enter judgment accordingly, or reject the plea and issue a summons or
25arrest warrant, except if the defendant is a minor the court shall proceed under s.

148.28 938.28. Chapter 48 938 governs taking and holding a minor in custody. After
2signing a stipulation of no contest, the defendant may, at any time prior to or at the
3time of the court appearance date, move the court for relief from the effect of the
4stipulation. The court may act on the motion, with or without notice, for cause shown
5by affidavit and upon just terms, and relieve the defendant from the stipulation and
6the effects of the stipulation.
AB130-engrossed, s. 552 7Section 552. 808.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,168,108 808.04 (3) Except as provided in subs. (4) and (7), an appeal in a criminal case
9or a case under ch. 48, 51 or, 55 or 938 shall be initiated within the time period
10specified in s. 809.30.
AB130-engrossed, s. 553 11Section 553. 808.04 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,168,1412 808.04 (4) Except as provided in sub. (7m), an appeal by the state in either a
13criminal case under s. 974.05 or a case under ch. 48 or 938 shall be initiated within
1445 days of entry of the judgment or order appealed from.
AB130-engrossed, s. 554 15Section 554. 808.075 (4) (fn) of the statutes is created to read:
AB130-engrossed,168,1616 808.075 (4) (fn) In a case under ch. 938:
AB130-engrossed,168,1717 2. Review of nonsecure custody orders under s. 938.207.
AB130-engrossed,168,1918 3. Review of secure detention orders under s. 938.208 and secure detention
19status reviews under s. 938.209 (1) (e).
AB130-engrossed,168,2020 4. Hearing for child held in custody under s. 938.21.
AB130-engrossed,168,2121 5. Hearing upon involuntary removal under s. 938.305.
AB130-engrossed,168,2222 6. Revision of dispositional order under s. 938.363.
AB130-engrossed,168,2323 7. Extension of dispositional order under s. 938.365, unless s. 938.368 applies.
AB130-engrossed,168,2424 8. Review of permanency plan under s. 938.38 (5).
AB130-engrossed,168,2525 9. Release of confidential information under s. 938.396 or 938.78.
AB130-engrossed, s. 555
1Section 555. 809.30 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,169,72 809.30 (1) (a) "Postconviction relief" means, in a felony or misdemeanor case,
3an appeal or a motion for postconviction relief other than a motion under s. 973.19
4or 974.06. In a ch. 48, 51 or, 55 or 938 case, other than a termination of parental rights
5case under s. 48.43, it means an appeal or a motion for reconsideration by the trial
6court of its final judgment or order; in such cases a notice of intent to pursue such
7relief or a motion for such relief need not be styled as seeking "postconviction" relief.
AB130-engrossed, s. 556 8Section 556. 809.30 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,169,129 809.30 (1) (b) "Sentencing" means, in a felony or misdemeanor case, the
10imposition of a sentence, fine or probation. In a ch. 48, 51 or, 55 or 938 case, other
11than a termination of parental rights case under s. 48.43, it means the entry of the
12trial court's final judgment or order.
AB130-engrossed, s. 557 13Section 557. 809.30 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,169,2114 809.30 (2) (d) Except as provided in this paragraph, whenever a defendant
15whose trial counsel is appointed by the state public defender files a notice under par.
16(b) requesting public defender representation for purposes of postconviction relief,
17the district attorney may, within 5 days after the notice is served and filed, file in the
18trial court and serve upon the state public defender a request that the defendant's
19indigency be redetermined before counsel is appointed or transcripts are ordered.
20This paragraph does not apply to a child who is entitled to be represented by counsel
21under s. 48.23 or 938.23.
AB130-engrossed, s. 558 22Section 558. 809.30 (2) (fm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,170,323 809.30 (2) (fm) A child who has filed a notice of intent to pursue relief from a
24judgment or order entered in a ch. 48 or 938 proceeding shall be furnished at no cost
25a transcript of the proceedings or as much of it as is requested. To obtain the

1transcript at no cost, an affidavit must be filed stating that the person who is legally
2responsible for the child's care and support is financially unable or unwilling to
3purchase the transcript.
AB130-engrossed, s. 559 4Section 559. 809.40 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,170,85 809.40 (1) An appeal to the court of appeals from a judgment or order in a
6misdemeanor case or a ch. 48, 51 or, 55 or 938 case, or a motion for postconviction
7relief in a misdemeanor case must be initiated within the time periods specified in
8s. 808.04 and is governed by the procedures specified in ss. 809.30 to 809.32.
AB130-engrossed, s. 560 9Section 560. 851.72 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,170,1210 851.72 (7) Except in counties having a population of 500,000 or more, perform
11the duties of clerk of the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under ch. chs. 48 and
unless these duties are performed by a person appointed under s. 48.04.
AB130-engrossed, s. 561 13Section 561. 859.07 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,170,2414 859.07 (2) If the decedent was at the time of death or at any time prior thereto
15a patient or inmate of any state or county hospital or institution or any person
16responsible for any obligation owing to the state or county under s. 46.03 (18), 46.10
17or, 48.36 or 938.36 or if the decedent or the spouse of the decedent ever received
18medical assistance under ss. 49.45 to 49.47, the personal representative shall send
19notice in writing of the date set under s. 859.01 by registered or certified mail to the
20department of health and social services or the department of corrections, as
21applicable, and the county clerk of the applicable county not less than 30 days before
22the date set under s. 859.01, upon such blanks and containing such information as
23the applicable department or county clerk may provide. The applicable county is the
24county of residence, as defined in s. 49.01 (8g).
AB130-engrossed, s. 562 25Section 562. 880.15 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
1880.15 (1) Appointment. If, after consideration of a petition for temporary
2guardianship, the court finds that the welfare of a minor, spendthrift or an alleged
3incompetent requires the immediate appointment of a guardian of the person or of
4the estate, or of both, it may appoint a temporary guardian for a period not to exceed
560 days unless further extended for 60 days by order of the court. The court may
6extend the period only once. The authority of the temporary guardian shall be
7limited to the performance of duties respecting specific property, or to the
8performance of particular acts, as stated in the order of appointment. All provisions
9of the statutes concerning the powers and duties of guardians shall apply to
10temporary guardians except as limited by the order of appointment. The temporary
11guardian shall make the reports the court directs and shall account to the court upon
12termination of authority. The court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under ch. chs.
1348 and 938 has exclusive jurisdiction over the appointment of a temporary guardian
14of a minor for medical purposes but shall proceed in accordance with this section.
AB130-engrossed, s. 563 15Section 563. 885.37 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB130-engrossed,171,1616 885.37 (1) (a) 2. The person is a child or parent subject to ch. 48 or 938.
AB130-engrossed, s. 564m 17Section 564m. 895.035 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB130-engrossed,172,618 895.035 (2m) (a) If a child fails to pay restitution under s. 938.245, 938.32,
19938.34 (5) or 938.343 (4) as ordered by a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under
20chs. 48 and 938 or a municipal court or as agreed to in a deferred prosecution
21agreement or if it appears likely that the child will not pay restitution as ordered or
22agreed to, the victim, the victim's insurer, the representative of the public interest
23under s. 938.09 or the agency, as defined in s. 938.38 (1) (a), supervising the child may
24petition the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 to order that
25the amount of restitution unpaid by the child be entered and docketed as a judgment

1against the child and the parent with custody of the child. A petition under this
2paragraph may be filed after the expiration of the deferred prosecution agreement,
3consent decree, dispositional order or sentence under which the restitution is
4payable, but no later than one year after the expiration of the deferred prosecution
5agreement, consent decree, dispositional order or sentence or any extension of the
6consent decree, dispositional order or sentence.
AB130-engrossed,172,187 (b) If a child fails to pay a forfeiture as ordered by a court assigned to exercise
8jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 or a municipal court or if it appears likely that the
9child will not pay the forfeiture as ordered, the representative of the public interest
10under s. 938.09, the agency, as defined in s. 938.38 (1) (a), supervising the child or
11the law enforcement agency that issued the citation to the child may petition the
12court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 to order that the amount
13of the forfeiture unpaid by the child be entered and docketed as a judgment against
14the child and the parent with custody of the child. A petition under this paragraph
15may be filed after the expiration of the dispositional order or sentence under which
16the forfeiture is payable, but no later than one year after the expiration of the
17dispositional order or sentence or any extension of the dispositional order or
AB130-engrossed,173,519 (bm) 1. Before issuing an order under par. (a) or (b), the court assigned to
20exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 shall give the child and the parent notice
21of the intent to issue the order and an opportunity to be heard regarding the order.
22The court shall give the child and the parent an opportunity to present evidence as
23to the amount of the restitution or forfeiture unpaid, but not as to the amount of the
24restitution or forfeiture originally ordered. The court shall also give the child and
25the parent an opportunity to present evidence as to the reason for the failure to pay

1the restitution or forfeiture and the ability of the child or the parent to pay the
2restitution or forfeiture. In considering the ability of the child or the parent to pay
3the restitution or forfeiture, the court may consider the assets, as well as the income,
4of the child or the parent and may consider the future ability of the child or parent
5to pay the restitution or forfeiture within the time specified in s. 893.40.
AB130-engrossed,173,106 2. In proceedings under this subsection, the court assigned to exercise
7jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938 may take judicial notice of any deferred
8prosecution agreement, consent decree, dispositional order, sentence, extension of a
9consent decree, dispositional order or sentence or any other finding or order in the
10records of the child maintained by that court or the municipal court.
AB130-engrossed,173,1311 3. In proceedings under this subsection, the child and the parent may retain
12counsel of their own choosing at their own expense, but a child or a parent has no
13right to be represented by appointed counsel in a proceeding under this subsection.